Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Religion and Belief

To me both Religion and belief go hand in hand. You might differ and have something else in mind but this blog isn't for you. This blog is for me.
Many a times I have been questioned by my friends about why I do not eat jootha. My answer, though simple, is too difficult to digest for some people. I just say that it is my belief, that by eating the jootha of another person I will inherit his/her thoughts and thought processes. I being completely satisfied with my own thoughts and thought processes would not like to bear another person's burden.
That this belief comes from my religious following, is irrelevant as I have embraced my religion and will follow its every belief to the point I can. The point never is to be perfect, but to try as hard as you can.
For that matter I believe that God listens to my prayers and has often blessed me with things I might not deserve and that whatever happens is God's will and I have to accept it. Now some people will tell me this is bullshit and I will say "That is your belief". Ultimately even that person is following his beliefs.
I know just one thing, if I have to believe in something, I will believe in God and that every action of his is meant for my good. If nothing it gives me support when I need it, when no one else comes to me. It will always be there to rely upon and it will never abandon me.
I choose to see signs of his blessings in everything around me, that helps me fortify my belief. Now people might call that positive thinking, that again is their belief as I know nothing of positive or negative thinking.
I have a thinking of my own, beliefs of my own and I am happy with them.

My only advice to you guys, go find your own beliefs and have something that will give you hope when you need it, will give you support when you are falling and will give you something to live for. Go find it!!

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