Monday, May 4, 2009


Professor SD Joshi. Very senior prof of our dept.
Prof Shantanu Agarwal. Very Senior+interested in "interrogating" students like puri.
Prof Hanmandlu Puri's BTP guide
Scene 1 : (Starter)
Puri is explaining a slide with many different sinusoidal graphs (dont know what he was explaining as i knew it was trash)
Prof SD Joshi : Why are there so many graphs on this slide.
Puri : doesnt have a clue except the first 2 graphs, starts speaking trash.
Joshi : u dont know what u are speaking
puri : again trash talking
Joshi (he knows puri doesnt know anything) : between the 1st and 5th graphs tell me which one has a higher frequency.
Puri : Says the wrong one first and everyone starts laughing and then he says the correct one.
Joshi after having confirmed Puri doesnt know anything leaves this here.

Break for laughing

Scene 2 : (Main Course)
Puri is at the crux of his BTP presentation, explainging the Principal Component Analysis and again SD Joshi is confused.
After puri is done explaining how he uses the PCA for his problem, Joshi asks his question, yet again.
Joshi : Why are you doing the PCA?
Puri : first I do this then i do this then this..... (this is the methodology he used)
Joshi : I am asking WHY did you do the PCA?
Puri : first I do this then i do this then this..... (this is the methodology he used)
Joshi : I dont think you understand the question. Why did you do the PCA? I am not asking how you used the PCA?
Puri : first I do this then i do this then this..... (this is the methodology he used)
Joshi : You dont know anything.
Puri : Sir, I am explaining. First I do this then i do this then this..... (this is the methodology he used)
Shantanu Chaudhary also becomes frustrated by now and asks puri to move on.

Break for laughing

Scene 3 : (Dessert -> Cake)
Puri quickly moves through the rest of the presentation and shows the References section and then shows the Thank You slide.
Shantanu Chaudhary notices something and asks him to go back one slide to the references slide.
Now everyone laughs after seeing the references. Why? It looked something like below -

For the benefit of those of you who didnt notice this yet, please look at the numbering.
Shantanu Chaudhary : Did you copy this from somewhere?
Puri : No Sir. I made this slide on my own.
Shantanu Chaudhary : I can see you copied this from somewhere.
Puri : No Sir. I made this slide on my own.
Shantanu Chaudhary : You copied this from somewhere.
Puri : No Sir. I made this slide on my own.
Hanmandlu : Accept that you have copied this from somewhere.
Puri (Making a pleading face, trying to convince he is speaking the truth) : No Sir. I made this slide on my own.
Shantanu gets frustrated again and asks him to go.

Break for laughing

Scene 4 : (Icing on the cake)
Puri returns to the hostel after all the presentations were done. I meet him at the staircase and ask why did he lie and why the numbering of the references were so?
Puri(making a very serious face, and i knew he will speak the truth now) : yaar mujhe laga ki every paper has a specific number assigned to it for use in the References section. I have checked in 2-3 papers and these papers had the same numbers.
After this I started laughing like hell and went to Prateek's room and fell on the bed laughing.

And now I come to know that he was thinking of applying for the Best BTP Award.

1 comment:

gheedia said...

dude, this is legendary !!! worth to be on fb