Monday, March 24, 2008


Games are anything that you play or that you can control in some way.
To me, games are a way of life, especially computer games. Every now and then I see myself almost 50-60% of my day playing or talking about them. Yes, you may call me a gaming freak and I would not "mind it".
But this is not for what I am writing this blog, I am writing this blog because I myself realize sometimes that I do go out of my way to play. Like some kind of addiction. It is this that I want to bring out. Addiction to something is that you are not able to live without it(in a vague sense) and you need that thing to survive.
This is the same with me and computer games. I cannot simply live without them. I can hold myself back from playing games(btw this is what I am trying now), but I wonder for how long will I be able to do it. Isnt this an addiction??
I am not saying whether playing is good or bad. I personally believe that I owe my intelligence first to God and then to games. Playing games is definitely not a bad thing but when the games become an addiction, there is definitely some work to be done.

I know all this because I have experienced it but what I dont know is where to go from here???
This is a dead end for me. I cannot give up games for the rest of my life(its simply not possible) nor can I live with the guilt of having an addiction.